A lawsuit accuses President Donald Trump's Treasury, Labor and HHS secretaries of weakening Americans' access to life-saving medical care by letting the rule regarding short-term plans bypass the ACA's essential health benefit and pre-existing condition requirements, according to reports. According to the Trump Administration: This final rule amends the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance for purposes of its exclusion from the definition of individual health insurance … [Read more...] about Trump Administration Sued Over Short-Term Health Plans Offering Limited Benefits
CMS Announces Option to Claim Hardship Exemption from the Individual Healthcare Mandate
In a press release revealed today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its efforts to provides American consumers with the ability to claim a hardship exemption from the tax penalty imposed by the ACA (Obamacare) for not maintaining health coverage for 2018 on their federal income tax returns, making it easier for taxpayers across the nation to claim their exemption. According to this excerpt from the press release: This new option to claim a hardship exemption … [Read more...] about CMS Announces Option to Claim Hardship Exemption from the Individual Healthcare Mandate
In The News: 5 Healthcare Legal Battles That Could Head To The Supreme Court
Changes to the healthcare market nationwide could manifest if these 5 lawsuits make it to the highest court in the nation. According to news reports, there are several significant pieces of healthcare legislation that could result from multiple major healthcare cases going through the federal courts. The consequential healthcare cases include: Texas vs Alex Azar - Re: ACA is unlawful and the Court should enjoin its operation. Therefore, Plaintiffs seek declaratory and injunctive relief … [Read more...] about In The News: 5 Healthcare Legal Battles That Could Head To The Supreme Court
HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Trump administration published a series of proposed changes to the regulations governing the Title X family planning program. Title X, enacted in 1970, is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services gives access to fundamental health care possible for 4 million low-income, uninsured, and underserved Americans each … [Read more...] about HHS facesbbacklash & concerns over proposed changes by the Trump administration to Title X Program