According to HHS, in order to begin improving the state’s inpatient psychiatric care system which provides care for adults, adolescents and children, a total of $47.7 million will be allocated to renovate and architecturally plan for the replacement of existing facilities as well as plan and design a new hospital. The funding is part of $300 million approved by the 85th Texas Legislature to improve the state hospital system in the 2018-2019 biennium) Projects to be funded and implemented … [Read more...] about Health and Human Services Commission Allocating $47.7 million to Improve State Hospital System
Physician shortage in Texas spells major issues for aging population
43 US states have a higher proportion of primary care physicians to residents than Texas and 35 out 80 Texas counties have no doctors at all. According to news reports, there are not enough doctors in Texas, especially in certain rural stretches of South Texas. The shortage will require training — and retaining — more physicians in Texas but one main problem is that the state needs to add more residency slots for post-graduate medical training to remain competitive — a problem that has plagued … [Read more...] about Physician shortage in Texas spells major issues for aging population
Texas lawmakers approve major nursing home quality reforms
According to reports, the 2017 Texas regular legislative session made vast changes affecting older Texans. Lawmakers approved several top priorities for AARP Texas including bills that, among other things, will protect seniors’ financial future, improve access to health care, and help unpaid family caregivers and their families.Also included was major nursing home quality reforms that seek to hold operators of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities more accountable when they have been … [Read more...] about Texas lawmakers approve major nursing home quality reforms
Physician’s duties increasingly reduced by nurses, long-term care providers for chronically ill
According to news reports a shifting role of physicians is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Healthcare providers work as a team with health specialist usually overseeing various aspects of a patients care including symptoms and medical history, orders for tests and services, prescriptions, etc. At the end of the pre-screening by healthcare providers, a physician is left with the final assessment and the plan—the medical decisions and diagnosis. some doctors are said to be opting … [Read more...] about Physician’s duties increasingly reduced by nurses, long-term care providers for chronically ill
Why Planning for Long-Term Care Services is A MUST For Aging Individuals
Long-term care services are an important aspect of your health care plans and for that reason, it's important to inform your loved ones and providers about your health care needs for the future. In fact, most adults should plan for long-term and even palliative care as it benefits the candidate when it comes to supportive care in the form of basic living needs such as bathing, dressing, personal care, housekeeping, meal preparations and even medical help. According to news reports, research … [Read more...] about Why Planning for Long-Term Care Services is A MUST For Aging Individuals