Information Letter No. 17-11 — The purpose of this letter is to notify Nursing Facility Providers (NFs) of the new billing codes for durable medical equipment (DME) and therapy assessments reimbursed through the PASRR program. All PASRR specialized services approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) on or after June 1, 2017, must be billed using the billing codes below. … [Read more...] about New Billing Codes for Pre-admission Screening and Resident Review (PASSR) DME and Therapy Assessments.
Nursing Facility Providers Must Allow (DADS) surveyors complete access to their records
Provider Letter No. 17-20 – Electronic Health RecordsNursing Facilities may use the system of medical records that best suits their needs whether it is paper or an electronic system. As directed in the DADS released provider letter, a provider must grant access to any EHR when requested by the surveyor. During the entrance conference, surveyors will verify with the provider the process they will follow in order to have unrestricted access to a resident’s medical records. Please note that … [Read more...] about Nursing Facility Providers Must Allow (DADS) surveyors complete access to their records
Effective immediately, facilities must include DADS-provided, web-based PASRR training.
Provider Letter No. 17-16 – Guidelines Regarding Plans of Correction Associated with a PASRR ViolationNursing facilities (NFs) must comply with both state and federal requirements related to Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). Effective immediately, facilities must include DADS-provided, web-based PASRR training for, at a minimum, the nursing facility administrator and the director of nursing in all POCs associated with any PASRR violation. POCs that do not include such training … [Read more...] about Effective immediately, facilities must include DADS-provided, web-based PASRR training.
DADS will begin reviewing and retiring, revising and/or reissuing provider letters issued eight years ago or more
Provider Letter No. 17-08 – Process for Retiring Provider LettersThe goals of this retire or revise initiative are to streamline DADS regulatory policies, reduce provider and stakeholder confusion, and manage the volume of letters with which DADS-regulated facilities, agencies, and licensees are expected to be familiar. DADS will begin issuing a series of program specific PLs that announce the list of letters that are being retired.Please be advised that notice that a letter is being retired … [Read more...] about DADS will begin reviewing and retiring, revising and/or reissuing provider letters issued eight years ago or more
Processing of Custom Power Wheelchair, Durable Medical Equipment, and Goal-Directed Therapy (Rehabilitative Services) Prior Authorization Requests
Processing of Custom Power Wheelchair, Durable Medical Equipment, and Goal-Directed Therapy (Rehabilitative Services) Prior Authorization Requests DADS published an information letter as a follow-up to the Claims Forwarding, Dental Billing, and Other Changes Related to the Nursing Facility Transition to Managed Care Long Term Care news article which was posted to on February 5, 2015. The news article indicated the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) would provide … [Read more...] about Processing of Custom Power Wheelchair, Durable Medical Equipment, and Goal-Directed Therapy (Rehabilitative Services) Prior Authorization Requests
Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing
DADS issued Information Letter 14-44 - Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing This letter notifies providers of the following important claims processing cutoff dates. Please review the information detailed in the remainder of this letter: • Fiscal Year 2012 Miscellaneous Claims Cutoff: Noon Tuesday, August 12, 2014 • Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Processing Cutoff: Noon Thursday, August 21, 2014 Important: Claims can take up to 24 hours to process after being … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2014 Cutoff Dates for Year-end Closeout Processing
Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Minimum Data Set Long Term Care Medicaid Information Rejections
The purpose of Information Letter No. 14-33 is to inform Medicaid-certified nursing facilities (NFs) of an important update to the Long Term Care (LTC) Online Portal and Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). The federal PASRR process requires Medicaid-certified NFs to evaluate an individual who may have an intellectual disability (ID), developmental disability (DD), or a mental illness (MI). The PASRR Level I (PL1) Screening Form is designed to identify persons who are suspected … [Read more...] about Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Minimum Data Set Long Term Care Medicaid Information Rejections
Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Billing Closeout
DADS has issued the following Information Letter: Information Letter No. 14-22 - It is important for providers to promptly submit claims for any unbilled services to prepare for the August 31, 2014, end of the State fiscal year. Additional details regarding cutoff dates for Fiscal Year 2014 will be published when they are available. • 12-month filing rule - Providers should ensure not only that billing is current for all services provided, but also that any problems associated with the … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2014 Claims Billing Closeout
IL and News Alerts: 3/31 Webinar, Postponed NF Resident Move
DADS released one information letter. CBA and FMSA: HHSC approved new payment rates for the CBA waiver program, effective March 1, 2014. You can access these rates at the HHSC Rate Analysis site. (Letter) -- DADS notified all CLASS CMA and DSA that Form 3591, CLASS IPC/IDRC Cover Sheet, is available. Providers must use this form as a cover sheet when submitting an ID/RC assessment or PC packet to DADS, beginning April 1, 2014. -- DADS has postponed moving NF resident into STAR+PLUS … [Read more...] about IL and News Alerts: 3/31 Webinar, Postponed NF Resident Move
LTC News: Court Reverses Medicaid Ruling
"The Arkansas Supreme Court tossed out a $1.2 billion judgment against Johnson & Johnson on Thursday, reversing a lower court verdict that found the drug maker engaged in fraudulent tactics when marketing the antipsychotic drug Risperdal." - Associated Press "Lawmakers in both houses of Congress have unveiled a draft bill calling for post-acute care providers to furnish standard assessment data, with the goals of enabling better quality oversight and driving Medicare payment reform." - … [Read more...] about LTC News: Court Reverses Medicaid Ruling