According to reports, the 2017 Texas regular legislative session made vast changes affecting older Texans. Lawmakers approved several top priorities for AARP Texas including bills that, among other things, will protect seniors’ financial future, improve access to health care, and help unpaid family caregivers and their families.Also included was major nursing home quality reforms that seek to hold operators of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities more accountable when they have been … [Read more...] about Texas lawmakers approve major nursing home quality reforms
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness Requirements
Provider Letter No. 17-32 - DADS latest provider letters addressed to the Medicare and Medicaid Certified Nursing Facilities (NFs), Medicare-Certified Home Health and Hospice Agencies, and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICFs/IID) all must comply with new federal emergency preparedness Requirements for Participation, including training and testing program requirements, by November 15, 2017. The NF's are a required to … [Read more...] about The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness Requirements
Report: Forecasting the growth prospect of the global long-term care market
There are more than 1,200 long-term care centers in Texas and according to the Administration on Aging, over 70 percent of people turning age 65 can expect to use some form of Long term care in their lives. Long-term care in the US has been based on but not limited to nursing homes, and facility-based long-term care that includes services such as continuing care retirement communities, assisted living, and board-and-care home. Long term care is not medical care but serves the purpose of … [Read more...] about Report: Forecasting the growth prospect of the global long-term care market
The Future of Assisted Living Communities headed for change
As the number of elderly population requiring living facilites rises the new preferences of those older adults will drive changes to assisted living communities in the future, according to a new report on Assisted Living. The report identified 4 ways these communites could change in the future for elderly residents and their providers. The report, Real Trends. The Future of Real Estate in the U.S. identified technology, demographics and policy as some of the significant areas that will … [Read more...] about The Future of Assisted Living Communities headed for change
Early Voting in Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities
Provider Letter 17-31 - The Early voting process that went into effect on September 1 for nursing facilities (NF's) and Assisted Living Facilities (ALF's) The new temporary law at Texas Elections Code §107.006, requires NFs and ALFs to set aside common space for the election officials to set up as a voting area. The space must be accessible and allow residents to cast a secret ballot. Texas Health and Safety Code §§242.0181 and 247.008 require NFs and ALFs to comply with Chapter 107 for the … [Read more...] about Early Voting in Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities
Health Care Providers See Millennials as Key to Nursing Shortage
Shortage of Nurses and nursing providers have increased as more of the population retires. Millennials, who fall between the birth years of 1982 to 2000 are the top age group that is becoming the largest group in the in-home care workforce. According to a new study published in the October edition of Health Affairs an average millennial is now 186% more likely to become a registered nurse (RN) compared to baby boomers who's generation are the ones most typically in the highest leadership … [Read more...] about Health Care Providers See Millennials as Key to Nursing Shortage
Nursing Home Disaster Preparation Under Scrutiny, Evaluated by Senators
The Hurricane Ima weather disaster claimed the lives of nine nursing home residents in Florida who died as a result of lack of A/C due to power outages and non-working backup generators. In Texas, Hurricane Harvey brought attention to the fact that an El Paso, Texas, nursing home had no plan for how to bring wheelchair-dependent people down flights of stairs, while many others had to wade through waist-deep floodwaters to exit the facilities. As a result of these disturbing occurrences, … [Read more...] about Nursing Home Disaster Preparation Under Scrutiny, Evaluated by Senators
Billing for Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Assessments and Services
Information Letter No. 17-20 - Addressed to Nursing Facility Providers on how to bill for Therapies, Customized Manual Wheel Chairs (CMWC) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) reimbursed through the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) program at HHSC. Nursing facility providers must review the resident’s Medicaid Eligibility and Service Authorization Verification (MESAV) to verify a service authorization has beencreated and to determine which service code was used. Nursing facility … [Read more...] about Billing for Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Assessments and Services
CMS, HHS Roll out Emergency Efforts Help Texas and Louisiana with Hurricane Harvey Recovery
According to reports Hurricane Harvey 25 dumped trillions of gallons of water which required evacuation of thousands of residents from over 95 nursing centers and assisted living communities in Texas. A public health emergencies has been declared in both Texas and Louisana and healthcare providers are temporarily waiving or modifying certain Medicare, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) requirements to provide immediate relief to hurricane Harvey’s victims in flood devastated … [Read more...] about CMS, HHS Roll out Emergency Efforts Help Texas and Louisiana with Hurricane Harvey Recovery
Failure to Deliver PASRR Services – Level I Screening and Level II Evaluation Assessments
Provider Letter No. 17-15 - DAD'S latest provider letter addressing Nursing Facilities reports on clarification that the role of the nursing facility (NF) is to coordinate completion of the Level I screening and Level II evaluation assessments with appropriate entities. The letter reports:Nursing Facilities must comply with both state and federal requirements related to Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR). This includes coordinating with appropriate entities to ensure completion … [Read more...] about Failure to Deliver PASRR Services – Level I Screening and Level II Evaluation Assessments