The following information was obtained from the January 10 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notices HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Numbers 13-047 and 13-057 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, to include current information on agency names and organizational structure. HHSC will also submit to CMS a request to amend the TxHmL waiver program to update the performance measures for consistency across waivers and the process for HHSC's administrative oversight of DADS, and … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: TxHmL, Bed Allocation Waivers
DADS News Alerts: January Webinars
-- DADS announced supported employment training webinars from the University of Montana. To join the Montana Transition Listserv, go to the Transition and Employment Projects page and enter your email address. January 14th, 2-3:30 (CST) Systematic Instruction and Job Coaching--Part One February 17th, 5:30-6:30 (CST) Group discussion of how using the strategies taught in the workshop is playing out in participant's work. Register for this on the Montana Professional Development … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: January Webinars
LTC News: Emergency Preparedness
-- "Long-term care facilities would have to meet more comprehensive emergency preparedness guidelines, under a newly proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services." – McKnight's -- "Data privacy and security are not new issues to senior living operators, and many have made serious headway in protection of protected health information (PHI) with the onset of technology advances. But recent changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 … [Read more...] about LTC News: Emergency Preparedness
TX Register Updates: Reimbursement, Medical Board Changes
The following information was obtained from the January 3 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notice HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 13-017 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would define the methodology for reimbursement adjustments for potentially preventable complications. See the Texas Register for more information. Proposed Rules HHSC proposed to amend §355.502, Reimbursement Methodology for Common Services in HCS Waivers, and §355.505, Reimbursement … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Reimbursement, Medical Board Changes
DADS News Alerts: January Meetings, Webinars, and Reminders
-- DADS will hold two free joint training sessions on Tuesday, January 7, and Wednesday, January 8, at various times. See Joint Provider Training site for more information. -- HHSC is hosting a series of information sessions about several Medicaid managed care initiatives scheduled for September 1, 2014. On Wednesday, January 8, 2014, a Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Information Session will be held in Austin. For additional details, check the meeting notices on the HHSC site. -- … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: January Meetings, Webinars, and Reminders
DADS News Alerts: Base Wages
-- To Residential Care and Title XX, Services for Community Care for the Aged and Disabled providers: On September 1, 2013, TAC, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49, Subchapter G, §§49.71 – 49.73 required that persons working as personal attendants, whether as employees or contractors of a provider, or as employees or contractors of subcontractors, be paid at or above a specified hourly base wage. Beginning September 1, 2013, the required minimum base wage was $7.50 per hour. Beginning September … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: Base Wages
TX Register Updates: ACA Implementation, Base Wages
The following information was obtained from the December 27 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notices HHSC intend to submit Transmittal Number 13-055 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance to establish home telemonitoring services as a benefit of the Texas Medicaid program. HHSC also intends to submit to CMS a request for an amendment to DBMD waiver program to update unduplicated count and point-in-time limits, change the name from consumer directed services agencies to … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: ACA Implementation, Base Wages
Risk Reduction and the Internal Investigation Policy
An essential element of an effective health care compliance plan is the internal investigations policy. Actions by employees, acting in the course and scope of their employment, can subject corporations to civil and criminal liability. Detecting, investigating and remedying such situations are crucial given the regulatory environment under which health care companies operate. The conduct of the investigation itself can exacerbate the situation. Employees subjected to discipline may … [Read more...] about Risk Reduction and the Internal Investigation Policy
DADS News Alert: Five Star Preview Reports
-- From the news alert page: The Five Star Preview Reports were available beginning December 11th. To access these reports, select the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) Reporting link located at the top of your MDS State Welcome page. For Texas, this web page is at: (Staff might get a warning message, but should be able to select "proceed"). Once in the CASPER Reporting system, click on the 'Folders' button and access the Five … [Read more...] about DADS News Alert: Five Star Preview Reports
PL/IL: FAQs and Payment Rates
DADS released one provider letter and one information letter. ICF/IID (Replaces PL 12-23): DADS gathered FAQs from providers and other stakeholders to share the questions and answers with all surveyors and providers. The FAQs addressed in this letter (PDF)include statutory and regulatory references: • medication administration (page 19); • Registered Nurse delegation (page 22); and • reporting allegations of abuse, neglect or exploitation to the Texas Department of Family and … [Read more...] about PL/IL: FAQs and Payment Rates