Information Letter 18-08 & No. 18-09 This letter announces several dates regarding Fiscal Year 2018 Claims Processing for claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). August 24, 2018 by noon is the cutoff date for Home and Community-based Services Providers and Texas Home Living Providers . For all other agencies, providers and facilities listed below, the cutoff dates are as follows: • Fiscal Year 2016 Miscellaneous Fee-for-Service (FFS) Claims Cutoff: … [Read more...] about Fiscal Year 2018 Cutoff Dates for Fee-for-Service Year-end Closeout Processing
Cost Report Training Information For Service Providers
Information Letter No. 18-01 - Cost report training is required every other year for the odd-year cost report in order for the preparer to be qualified to complete both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. Upon successful completion of either an Initial or Refresher Cost Report Training webinar, preparers who have previously completed cost report training for that same program will be awarded credit for completing the webinar and will be able to submit a 2017 cost … [Read more...] about Cost Report Training Information For Service Providers
Service Limit Exceptions in Programs for Adaptive Aids and Minor Home Modifications Due to Hurricane Harvey
Provider Letter No. 17-28 and Information Letter No. 17-27 addresses Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) allowing an exception to the service limits for replacing or repairing adaptive aids and minor home modifications for certain individuals enrolled including those in the:Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) ProgramHome and Community-based Services (HCS) Texas Home Living (TxHmL) ProgramSpecifically, individuals whose … [Read more...] about Service Limit Exceptions in Programs for Adaptive Aids and Minor Home Modifications Due to Hurricane Harvey
Extensions of Eligibility and Individual Plan of Care Authorizations for Individuals in CLASS and DBMD Impacted by Hurricane Harvey
Information Letter No. 17-25 – The information letter informs residents that were affected by Hurricane Harvey that The Texas Health and Human Services Commission can implement extensions of eligibility and individual plan of care authorizations on a case-by-case basis. An extension can be requested by a CLASS case management agency, CLASS direct service agency or DBMD program provider.The extension is for individuals that had permanent residence in a county declared a federal disaster area … [Read more...] about Extensions of Eligibility and Individual Plan of Care Authorizations for Individuals in CLASS and DBMD Impacted by Hurricane Harvey
Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Information Letter No. 17-24 DADS has published its latest information letter directed to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program Providers. The letter outlines the Texas Health and Human Services Commission requirements for the DBMD program providers to perform certain activities related to participant surveys in the DBMD Program and to complete a provider survey. HHSC will schedule face-to-face visits with these people to survey them about the services they receive and their … [Read more...] about Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Alert: All Providers Are Required To Redo Employee Misconduct Registry (EMR) Searches
Provider Letter No. 17-23 - DADS is directing providers to immediately redo all EMR searches conducted during this two-month period ( From June 9, 2017, through July 27, 2017) to verify the employability of any individuals they have hired. If a search result now shows that an individual is listed in the EMR, then the individual is not eligible to continue employment in a DADS-regulated facility or agency or any facility or agency governed by Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 253. Every … [Read more...] about Alert: All Providers Are Required To Redo Employee Misconduct Registry (EMR) Searches
Texas Health and Human Services Commission Notice: Removal of Service Codes for Habilitation and Residential Habilitation
The latest Information Letter No. 17-15 - As of July 10th, some services codes associated with habilitation have been removed by Texas Health and Human Services Commission. CLASS DSA, DBMD program provider, or FMSA are no longer able to submit a service claim that includes any of these service codes described below: ? service codes 10, 10A, and 10V associated with CLASS habilitation; and? service codes 17 and 17V associated with DBMD residential habilitation.A CLASS DSA or DBMD program provider … [Read more...] about Texas Health and Human Services Commission Notice: Removal of Service Codes for Habilitation and Residential Habilitation
Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
Information Letter No. 17-13 - This letter is addressed to all service providers, facilities, and agencies. August 31, 2017 is the end of fiscal year closeout and it is important for all providers to promptly submit claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for any unbilled services. HHS will publish additional details regarding cutoff dates for fiscal year 2017. This information letter addresses the following:12-month filing rule - Providers should ensure not … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
CLASS, DBMD, LIDDA – Deadline to Update All Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions Assessments to Comply With the International Classification of Disease Transition
Community Living Assistance and Supports Services (CLASS) Providers Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Service Providers Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID) Providers Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authorities (LIDDAs)Information Letter No. 16-32 Deadline Approaching to Update All Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions Assessments to Comply With the International Classification of Disease … [Read more...] about CLASS, DBMD, LIDDA – Deadline to Update All Intellectual Disability/Related Conditions Assessments to Comply With the International Classification of Disease Transition
IDD Assessment Project – Phase One Implementation
The purpose of this information letter (IL) is to inform the LIDDAs, CMAs, and program providers for HCS, TxHmL, CLASS, DBMD and ICF/IID about the implementation of phase one of the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Assessment project (the project).IDD Assessment Project – Phase One ImplementationSection 3.01 of Senate Bill (S.B.) 7, 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, directs the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) to develop and implement a … [Read more...] about IDD Assessment Project – Phase One Implementation