Provider Letter 18-11 - Technical Memoranda (TM) concerning prescribed Life Safety Code (LSC) standards for ALFs to be responsible for reviewing the LSC TM and complying with the guidance provided therein. The LSC is a set of fire protection requirements designed to provide a reasonable degree of safety at Assisted Living Facilities. It covers construction, protection, and operational features designed to provide safety from fire, smoke, and panic. According to the letter and 2.0 Policy … [Read more...] about Technical Memoranda (TM) concerning prescribed Life Safety Code (LSC) standards for ALFs
Healthcare concerns looms as Nursing provider shortage facing country intensifies
News reports have indicated that the Texas's large population of older residents, healthcare systems and assisted living facilities (ALF) could be impacted due to a nursing provider (NP) shortage facing the entire country. Central Texas and the Texas Panhandle are largely affected by the shortage of nurses. According to a Nursing Shortage Factsheet : The U.S. is projected to experience a shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs) that is expected to intensify as Baby Boomers age and the need for … [Read more...] about Healthcare concerns looms as Nursing provider shortage facing country intensifies
Accessibility Standards in Assisted Living Facilities
Long-Term Care Regulatory Provider Letter - PL 18-05 Policy Update Re; Life Safety Code for Assisted Living Facility Senate Bill 1049, 85th Legislature, 2017 added §247.0264 to Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247. This code affirms the role of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) in the interpretation and enforcement of accessibility standards in assisted living facilities. Effective since September 1, 2017, a Health and Human Services (HHSC) inspector may not cite … [Read more...] about Accessibility Standards in Assisted Living Facilities
Cost Report Training Information For Service Providers
Information Letter No. 18-01 - Cost report training is required every other year for the odd-year cost report in order for the preparer to be qualified to complete both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. Upon successful completion of either an Initial or Refresher Cost Report Training webinar, preparers who have previously completed cost report training for that same program will be awarded credit for completing the webinar and will be able to submit a 2017 cost … [Read more...] about Cost Report Training Information For Service Providers
Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
Information Letter No. 17-24 DADS has published its latest information letter directed to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program Providers. The letter outlines the Texas Health and Human Services Commission requirements for the DBMD program providers to perform certain activities related to participant surveys in the DBMD Program and to complete a provider survey. HHSC will schedule face-to-face visits with these people to survey them about the services they receive and their … [Read more...] about Participant Surveys in the DBMD Program Receiving Licensed Assisted Living
The Future of Assisted Living Communities headed for change
As the number of elderly population requiring living facilites rises the new preferences of those older adults will drive changes to assisted living communities in the future, according to a new report on Assisted Living. The report identified 4 ways these communites could change in the future for elderly residents and their providers. The report, Real Trends. The Future of Real Estate in the U.S. identified technology, demographics and policy as some of the significant areas that will … [Read more...] about The Future of Assisted Living Communities headed for change
Billing Process for Long-Term Services and Supports Providers Transitioning to STAR+PLUS
DADS has issued Information Letter 14-49 titled Billing Process for Long-Term Services and Supports Providers Transitioning to STAR+PLUS. The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is expanding the STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program to the existing Medicaid Rural Service Areas (MRSAs) including West, Central, and Northeast Texas. With this expansion, most individuals who are age 65 or older or who have a disability will get their basic health services (acute care), and … [Read more...] about Billing Process for Long-Term Services and Supports Providers Transitioning to STAR+PLUS
Expansion of the STAR+PLUS Medicaid Managed Care Program to the Medicaid Rural Service Areas
DADS has issued the following Information Letter(s): Information Letter No. 14-23: Expansion of the STAR+PLUS Medicaid Managed Care Program to the Medicaid Rural Service Areas The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is expanding the STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program to the existing Medicaid Rural Service Areas (Medicaid RSAs) including West, Central, and Northeast Texas. With this expansion, most individuals who are older or who have a disability will get their basic health … [Read more...] about Expansion of the STAR+PLUS Medicaid Managed Care Program to the Medicaid Rural Service Areas