Provider Letter 17-31 - The Early voting process that went into effect on September 1 for nursing facilities (NF's) and Assisted Living Facilities (ALF's) The new temporary law at Texas Elections Code §107.006, requires NFs and ALFs to set aside common space for the election officials to set up as a voting area. The space must be accessible and allow residents to cast a secret ballot. Texas Health and Safety Code §§242.0181 and 247.008 require NFs and ALFs to comply with Chapter 107 for the … [Read more...] about Early Voting in Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities
Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout
Information Letter No. 17-13 - This letter is addressed to all service providers, facilities, and agencies. August 31, 2017 is the end of fiscal year closeout and it is important for all providers to promptly submit claims to be paid by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for any unbilled services. HHS will publish additional details regarding cutoff dates for fiscal year 2017. This information letter addresses the following:12-month filing rule - Providers should ensure not … [Read more...] about Preparing for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2017 Fee-for-Service Claims Billing Closeout