-- HHSC adopted amendments to §9.553, Definitions; §9.555, Definitions of TxHmL program service components; §9.567, Process for Enrollment; §9.578, Program Provider Certification Principles: Service Delivery; and §9.583, TxHmL program principles for local authorities, in Subchapter N, TxHmL Program, Chapter 9, Intellectual Disability Services--Medicaid State Operating Agency Responsibilities. -- From the news alert page: Some DADS waiver clients were enrolled in STAR+PLUS or got STAR+PLUS … [Read more...] about Alerts and News: Court Decision, STAR+PLUS Mistake
TX Register Updates: Board of Nursing Compliance
The following information was obtained from the November 29 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notice HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to amend the THTQIP to create a nursing facility transformation pool. See the Texas Register for details. Adopted Rules On DADS' behalf HHSC adopted amendments to §9.553, Definitions; §9.555, Definitions of TxHmL program service components; §9.567, Process for Enrollment; §9.578, Program Provider Certification Principles: Service Delivery; … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Board of Nursing Compliance
PLs and IL: ICF/IID Alerts
DADS released three provider letters and one information letter. ICFs/IID exempt from licensure: DADS issued the letter to provide guidance on reporting and investigating incidents reportable to DADS. (Letter) ICFs/IID exempt from licensure: DADS reissued this provider letter to replace references to the memorandum of understanding, titled, "Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (TDMHMR), Texas Department of Human Services (TDHS), and Texas Department of Protective … [Read more...] about PLs and IL: ICF/IID Alerts
TX Register Updates: 12/5 Hearing, Board of Nursing Changes
The following information was obtained from the November 15 issue of the Texas Register. Public Hearing and Notice HHSC will hold a hearing on Thursday, December 5, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. to receive public comment on proposed payment rates for the AL/RC services under the CBA program, CBA Personal Care III services, and RC program. The hearing will be held in the Public Hearing Room, Brown-Heatly Building, located at 4900 North Lamar, Austin. HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to amend … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: 12/5 Hearing, Board of Nursing Changes
IL and News Alert: Cost Report Training, Electronic Signature
DADS released one information letter. CBA HCSSA, CLASS CMA and DSA, DAHS, DBMD, HCS, ICF/ID, NF, PHC, RC CBA AL, and TxHmL: DADS notified these providers of the training schedule for the 2013 cost report. An excerpt: Online training will be available to qualified preparers beginning on December 1, 2013, and will remain available through October 31, 2014. On-site classroom-based training sessions will be held in Austin on January 21, 2014 and again on February 25, 2014. Registration … [Read more...] about IL and News Alert: Cost Report Training, Electronic Signature
DADS News Alerts: 11/14, 12/5 Meetings
-- REMINDER: Upcoming Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers meetings. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2013. -- HHSC adopted amendments to Chapter 9, Intellectual Disability Services--Medicaid State Operating Agency Responsibilities, Subchapter E, ICF/IID Program—Contracting. -- HHSC proposed to repeal Chapter 16, §§16.1 - 16.4, the Pilot Program to Increase the Use of Advanced Directives in Nursing Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: 11/14, 12/5 Meetings
TX Register Updates: Corrections, Dual Eligibles
The following information was obtained from the November 1 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notices A correction to a public notice that appeared in the September 13, 2013, issue regarding the intent to submit a request for an amendment to the MDCP Medicaid waiver: The waiver transfer process, allowing individuals to transfer between waivers when medically necessary for services to continue to ensure health and safety, was previously described in the public notice published in the … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Corrections, Dual Eligibles
TX Register Updates: Correction, Base Wage
The following information was obtained from the October 11 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notice Correction HHSC published a notice in the September 20 issue about the agency's intent to submit a request to amend the THTQIP. An excerpt: In the prior public notice published in the September 20, 2013 issue of the Texas Register, HHSC discussed the agency's intent to request the addition of cognitive rehabilitation therapy as an available service in the STAR+PLUS home and community … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Correction, Base Wage
PLs and News Alerts: Emergency Plans
DADS released two provider letters. ALF, Hospice Freestanding Inpatient Units, ICFs/IID, and NF: DADS reminded these providers that their emergency plans must provide for the safe evacuation of all individuals residing in their facilities when the emergency situation requires an evacuation. (Letter) Hospice Agencies with a Freestanding Inpatient Unit: DADS reminded these providers that all HCSSAs must comply with TAC, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 97, §97.256 and have a written emergency … [Read more...] about PLs and News Alerts: Emergency Plans
TX Register Updates: Correction, Base Wage
The following information was obtained from the October 11 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notice Correction HHSC published a notice in the September 20 issue about the agency's intent to submit a request to amend the THTQIP. An excerpt: In the prior public notice published in the September 20, 2013 issue of the Texas Register, HHSC discussed the agency's intent to request the addition of cognitive rehabilitation therapy as an available service in the STAR+PLUS home and community … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Correction, Base Wage