HHS released three provider letters in July, 2019. The are as follows: On July 3, 2019 HHS released PL 19-16 regarding Responsibility for Records after a Management Change. The letter applies to Assisted Living Facility (ALF), Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) Facility, Home and Community Support Services Agency, (HCSSA), Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID), Nursing Facility (NF), and Prescribed Pediatric … [Read more...] about Texas HHS Provider Letters for July 2019
Medicaid Re-enrollment Website Launched
All provider types must re-enroll by March 24, 2016DADS Medicaid providers that render services either through Medicaid managed care organizations or traditional fee-for-service Medicaid are required to revalidate their information every 3-5 years. In Texas, the deadline for the next re-enrollment is March 24, 2016.To help providers better understand this process, DADS has created a Texas Medicaid LTSS Provider Re-enrollment website at http://www.dads.state.tx.us/providers/mpre/. The site … [Read more...] about Medicaid Re-enrollment Website Launched
Medicaid Re-enrollment Website Launched
Medicaid Re-enrollment Website LaunchedAll provider types must re-enroll by March 24, 2016 DADS Medicaid providers that render services either through Medicaid managed care organizations or traditional fee-for-service Medicaid are required to revalidate their information every 3-5 years. In Texas, the deadline for the next re-enrollment is March 24, 2016.To help providers better understand this process, DADS has created a Texas Medicaid LTSS Provider Re-enrollment website at … [Read more...] about Medicaid Re-enrollment Website Launched
ICF/IID – Reimbursement Rates Effective September 1, 2015 – ACTION REQUIRED
Rider 40 of the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act (Article II, House Bill 1, 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015) appropriated funds for rate increases non-state Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID) program. The new reimbursement rates are included in this letter as Attachment 1. As a part of the appropriations, Rider 40 requires HHSC to establish a system of spending accountability that ensures each ICF/IID provider … [Read more...] about ICF/IID – Reimbursement Rates Effective September 1, 2015 – ACTION REQUIRED
ICF-MR – Reimbursement Rates Effective September 1, 2015 – ACTION REQUIRED
Rider 40 of the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act (Article II, House Bill 1, 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015) appropriated funds for rate increases non-state Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID) program. The new reimbursement rates are included in this letter as Attachment 1. As a part of the appropriations, Rider 40 requires HHSC to establish a system of spending accountability that ensures each ICF/IID provider … [Read more...] about ICF-MR – Reimbursement Rates Effective September 1, 2015 – ACTION REQUIRED
2014 Cost Report and Cost Report Preparer Requirements
This letter is being distributed through an electronic communication from DADS and contains information on 2014 cost reporting and preparer requirements for the following programs: · Community Based Alternatives (Home and Community Support Services only) (CBA HCSS); · Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Case Management Agency (CMA); · CLASS Direct Service Agency (DSA); · Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS); · Home and Community-based … [Read more...] about 2014 Cost Report and Cost Report Preparer Requirements
Information on Ebola Virus for Providers of Services to Individuals in the Department of Aging and Disability Services Programs
DADS information letter provides information on the Ebola virus that providers may use to help ensure the health and safety of staff members and individuals receiving services. The Department of Aging and Disability Services encourages its providers to take reasonable precautions to ensure their employees are not exposed to a symptomatic person by knowing how Ebola is transmitted and its symptoms. An individual will not contract Ebola if he has not had exposure to an individual with Ebola or … [Read more...] about Information on Ebola Virus for Providers of Services to Individuals in the Department of Aging and Disability Services Programs
IL and News Alerts: Webinar
DADS released one information letter. DADS informed these providers that effective April 1, 2014, employment assistance is added as a service in the HCS program. (Letter) -- DADS will host an SELN Community Webinar on Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Time: 3 p.m. ET; 2 p.m. CT; 1 p.m. MT; 12 p.m. PT; 10 am HT You may register here. -- DADS updated its HCS and TxHmL provider pages, deleting the tabs "FAQs" and "Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting Webinars," and replacing them with one tab for "Webinars … [Read more...] about IL and News Alerts: Webinar
ILs: Billing Codes, Hospice Discussions
DADS released four information letters. NF: DADS notified these providers of correct billing codes for a Customized Manual Wheelchair, effective March 1, 2014. (Letter) HCS and TxHmL: The Waiver Survey and Certification unit of DADS will allow HCS and TxHmL providers to request an informal review of the findings in a draft report of a review conducted in accordance with DADS rule at 40 TAC §9.185 and §9.577, effective March 1, 2014. (Letter) Medicaid Hospice: An excerpt: It has come … [Read more...] about ILs: Billing Codes, Hospice Discussions
DADS News Alerts: 3/27 Meeting
-- DADS plans to revise §60.6 and §60.8, Definitions and Contracting Requirements, of 40 TAC, Chapter 60, Contracting to Provide PACE. An excerpt: As part of the project, DADS is revising definitions and making certain provisions in a new 40 TAC Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Services, which is scheduled to be proposed in April, apply to PACE providers...There is an informal comment period through Friday, Feb. 28th, and comments can be submitted to … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: 3/27 Meeting