The following information was obtained from the October 11 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notice Correction HHSC published a notice in the September 20 issue about the agency's intent to submit a request to amend the THTQIP. An excerpt: In the prior public notice published in the September 20, 2013 issue of the Texas Register, HHSC discussed the agency's intent to request the addition of cognitive rehabilitation therapy as an available service in the STAR+PLUS home and community … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: Correction, Base Wage
LTC News: No Medicaid Payments
-- Medicare Part D, 2014 -- "In a blow to Medicaid-certified long-term care providers in the nation's capital, officials announced the District of Columbia would not make Medicaid payments during the federal government shutdown." – McKnight's -- "In the two years since an 11.1% reimbursement cut for skilled nursing facilities hit, providers have regrouped and have achieved modest successes, the president of the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living told … [Read more...] about LTC News: No Medicaid Payments
ILs/PLs: NF Changes, Four-person Residence
DADS released two information letters and three provider letters. HSC: DADS informed these providers about changes to the critical incident reporting requirements. (Letter) DADS also informed these providers that effective October 1, 2013, DADS will allow a service provider of residential support and the service provider's spouse, or person with whom the service provider has a spousal relationship, to live in a four-person residence. (Letter) NF: A recent legislative bill … [Read more...] about ILs/PLs: NF Changes, Four-person Residence
DADS News Alerts: New Appendices and Provider Manuals
-- A new appendix has been added to the Home Delivered Meals Provider Manual. -- A new appendix has been added to the Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services Provider Manual. -- New Licensed ICF/IDD Provider Manual. -- The Five Star Preview Reports were available beginning September 13, 2013. See the news alert page for access. -- DADS invited Region 8 NFs to a provider meeting presented by its Regulatory Services Division on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: New Appendices and Provider Manuals
TX Register Updates: NF Payment Increase, Medicaid Managed Care
The following information was obtained from the August 23 issue of the Texas Register. Public Notices HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to amend the CBA waiver program to remove cost containment service limits, allow individuals to transfer between waivers when medically necessary for services to continue to ensure health and safety, and other changes. HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 13-024 to add provisionally licensed psychologists as an additional type of provider … [Read more...] about TX Register Updates: NF Payment Increase, Medicaid Managed Care
ILs and PLs: Required Base Wage, CMS Survey
DADS released four information letters and two provider letters. NF: A review of the medical necessity determinations revealed errors. DADS identified the accuracy of assessment data drawn from the MDS assessment and clinical record as one reason for errors. (Letter) CMPAS: DADS informed these providers of rules on the required base wage. (Letter) CBA, PHC, CAS, FC, MDCP, and DAHS: DADS informed these providers of rules on the required base wage. (Revised Letter) Financial … [Read more...] about ILs and PLs: Required Base Wage, CMS Survey
DADS News Alerts: 9/9 Webinar, 10/8 Meeting, Save-the-dates
-- The next enrollment training for entities interested in becoming a Financial Management Services Agency will be held October 16-18, 2013 at the William B. Travis State Office Building, Room 1-111, 1701 Congress Ave., Austin, Room 1-111. See the DADS page for more information. -- DADS reminded providers that a mandatory upgrade to the CMSNet Juniper Client will begin for western states, which includes Texas, on August 31, 2013. The CMSNet page has more information. -- DADS will hold a … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: 9/9 Webinar, 10/8 Meeting, Save-the-dates
IL and PLs: Aging in Place, Nursing Changes
DADS released a provider letter and an information/provider letter. AL: DADS advised providers that the required AL disclosure forms have been updated to include language about aging in place. (Letter) HCS, TxHmL, and ICF/IID with a Capacity of 13 or Fewer Beds: The legislature requires DADS and the Board of Nursing to conduct a pilot program to evaluate LVNs who provide on-call services by telephone to individuals receiving services for these providers. As part of the program's … [Read more...] about IL and PLs: Aging in Place, Nursing Changes
DADS News Alerts: MDCP Manual, MG7101-03 Report Mailing
-- HHSC proposed to amend §48.8902, Provider Qualifications and §48.8903, Substitute Provider Qualifications; in Chapter 48, Community Care for Aged and Disabled. -- DADS will no longer produce or mail copies of the Loss of Medicaid Eligibility Report (MG7101-03) to long-term services and supports providers, effective September 1, 2013. Providers should use MESAV for this information. An excerpt: After 9-1-13, providers should: Access TexMedConnect for instructions on filing claims, … [Read more...] about DADS News Alerts: MDCP Manual, MG7101-03 Report Mailing
ILs: FY13 Cutoff Notice, Service Limits Expiration
DADS released 12 information letters. CBA HCSSA: HCSSAs must follow the procedures listed in the letter when the DADS case manager notifies them that an applicant's initial medical necessity determination assessment has expired, effective August 1, 2013. (Letter) DADS reminded providers that the adopted rules that include limits on the amount of certain services an individual may receive and a process for DADS to grant an exception to those limits expire on August 31, 2013. … [Read more...] about ILs: FY13 Cutoff Notice, Service Limits Expiration