— DADS will hold two free joint training sessions on Tuesday, January 7, and Wednesday, January 8, at various times. See Joint Provider Training site for more information.
— HHSC is hosting a series of information sessions about several Medicaid managed care initiatives scheduled for September 1, 2014. On Wednesday, January 8, 2014, a Medicaid Managed Care Initiatives Information Session will be held in Austin. For additional details, check the meeting notices on the HHSC site.
— DADS will host a webinar on Thursday, January 9, 2014, from 2-3:30 p.m. for DBMD waiver program stakeholders. Space is limited, so please reserve your webinar seat here. Contact DADS Center for Policy and Innovation at dbmd@dads.state.tx.us with questions.
— DADS will host a DAHS Forms webinar on Monday, January 13, 2014, from 10-11:30 a.m. You may register here. Recently revised forms include DAHS Form 3049-Health Assessment, DAHS Form 3050-Individual Service Plan, and DAHS Form 3055-Physician’s Orders.
— DADS is hosting the annual ICF Provider & Surveyor Conference on February 5-6, 2014, in Austin.
— HHSC adopted amendments to §19.216, License Fees, and §19.2206, General Requirements for a Certified Facility, in Chapter 19, NF Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification.
— Available in PDF: revised proposed Title 40, Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Services and a consolidated list of comments and responses.
— DADS adopted amendments to Chapter 92, Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities.
For more information about these and other entries, see the news alert page.