The following information was obtained from the July 5 issue of the Texas Register.
Public Hearings and Notices
HHSC will hold a hearing on Friday, July 19, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. to receive comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for hospital outpatient imaging services, hospital outpatient reimbursement, and hospital inpatient reimbursement. The hearing will be held in the Public Hearing Room, Winters Building, located at 701 W. 51st Street, Austin.
Revised Hearing Notice:
[HHSC] is revising the notice, published in the June 28, 2013, issue of the Texas Register (38 TexReg 4217), pertaining to the public hearing which is to be held on July 16, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. to receive public comment on proposed rates for employment assistance (EA) for the Community Based Alternatives (CBA), Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), Home and Community-based Services (HCS), and Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) waiver programs; for supported employment (SE) in the CBA and MDCP waiver programs; for consumer-directed services (CDS) SE and EA in the Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD), CBA, CLASS, HCS and MDCP programs; and for CDS nursing services in the HCS program. These programs are operated by the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS).
The public hearing notice is being revised to include receiving comment on a proposed rate for SE for the CLASS program.
HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 13-015 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance to update the requirements for providers performing case management services for children enrolled in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program and high risk pregnant women.
HHSC intends to submit a Request for Information for comments on the delivery of Non-Emergency Medical Transportation services for eligible Medicaid clients, Children with Special Health Care Needs, and Indigent Cancer Patients living in South Texas.
HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 13-016 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would demonstrate compliance with 42 CFR §447.26 and 42 USC §1396a(a)(19), (30) and §1396b-1 with respect to adjustment for potentially preventable readmissions.
For more information about the hearings and notices, see the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted amendments to Chapter 379, Family Violence Program, which will clarify and update rules. See the Texas Register for details.
The Texas Medical Board adopted amendments to §190.14, Disciplinary Sanction Guidelines, to provide that the board may suspend or revoke a licensee’s license for boundary violations with a patient. For more information, see the Texas Register.
The Board of Nursing adopted amendments to §211.4, Officers, to codify the board’s existing policies and practice regarding the election of the board’s Vice President.
The board also adopted amendments to §213.27, Good Professional Character, to issue guidelines that state the reasons a particular crime is considered to relate to the practice of the licensing agency and any other criterion that affects the decision of the licensing agency when considering the effects of the crime on an individual’s licensure status.
Finally, the board adopted amendments to §217.14, Registered Nurses Performing Radiologic Procedures, to update outdated references in the rule and correct grammatical and typographical errors. For more information about each entry, see the Texas Register.