The following information was obtained from the June 14 issue of the Texas Register.
Public Notices and Correction
HHSC corrected a notice published in the May 31, 2013, issue in reference to the intent to submit a request to amend the CLASS Medicaid waiver. An excerpt:
In addition to the changes previously described in the public notice published in the May 31, 2013, issue of the Texas Register, employment assistance is also being added to the waiver as a service. Changes in the waiver will include the addition of the consumer directed services option for supported employment and a revision to the service definition of supported employment to clarify assistance available and specify integrated, competitive employment. Employment assistance is also being added to the waiver as a service. Point-in-time limits will be added based on the number of individuals that can be served in the waiver at a specific point in time. Service limits implemented December 1, 2011 will be removed.
HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to amend the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program (THTQIP) waiver program, which would allow it to use either room under the overall waiver budget neutrality cap or unspent Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) funds from Demonstration Year 2 or later waiver years, to count as a “credit” toward Upper Payment Limit expenditures made during two months in late 2011.
The other proposed amendment to THTQIP would allow it to use a small portion of DSRIP intergovernmental transfer funds (up to one percent or $10,000,000 per demonstration year) to use as 50/50 match to help monitor the DSRIP program. The final requested amendment would allow THTQIP to carry forward unallocated DSRIP funds into DY3-5 to fund state priority initiatives. For more information about each entry, see the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
- On DADS’ Behalf
HHSC adopted amendments to §90.3, Definitions; and §90.42, Standards for Facilities Serving IID, in Chapter 90, ICF/IID, which increase medical professional service options, clarifies that the term “health care professional” includes a physician, licensed nurse, physician assistant, podiatrist, dentist, physical therapist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist, and other changes. See the Texas Register for more information