DADS released two provider letters.
All ICFs/ID:
DADS provided guidance and clarification on using video surveillance cameras to monitor common areas in ICFs/ID. An excerpt:
There is no state rule or federal requirement that specifically addresses the use of video surveillance cameras in ICFs/ID; however, 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §483.420(a) (W122), §483.420(a)(5) (W127), §483.420(a)(7) (W129 and W130) and §483.420(a)(9) (W133) require an ICF/ID to protect the privacy and rights of the individuals who reside in the facility. When an ICF/ID chooses to use video surveillance cameras to monitor common areas, it must:
1. Obtain approval before implementation from the facility’s specially constituted committee (SCC). 42 CFR §483.440(f)(3) (W262) requires the facility’s SCC (sometimes referred to by CMS as the Human Rights Committee or the Constituted Advisory Committee) to review and approve programs and practices that might involve risks to individual rights before implementation. This is intended to ensure individual’s rights are fully protected. Therefore, the facility’s video surveillance camera policies and procedures must be reviewed and approved by its SCC before cameras may be installed.
ICFs/ID with a capacity of 13 or fewer beds:
DADS provided guidance and clarification on the enforcement schedule for the implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 1857, 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, and to inform providers of the required elements in the RN comprehensive nursing assessment that must be completed in order for an LVN to provide on-call services to an individual as part of the pilot program or for unlicensed staff to perform nursing tasks. (Letter)